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Disc Golf is a sport for everyone and is touted as the fastest growing sport in recent years. An estimated 12 million people have played the game worldwide. No matter what age level or physical capabilities a person has they can enjoy the basics of disc golf.

The Professional Disc Golf Association is called the PDGA and governs the rules and regulations of the sport. Created in the 1970's, disc golf has inherited much of its lingo and rules from 'ball golf'. The difference is that instead of a ball and clubs, disc golf uses a flying disc or ‘frisbee’. The goal is to throw the disc from a tee, across a fairway to a 'hole', which is a suspended metal basket. The player with the fewest strokes or 'throws' at the end of the game wins. Novice players/beginners, groups, families, and even individuals who want to play at the course can do so at their leisure. Individuals can also benefit from a qualified instructors experience. Benefits include helping novice players acquire the basics skills, fundamentals, and general rules of the game while fully enjoying this sport. Keeping to the rules is the responsibility of each and every player. This will help to promote safety, disc golf, and help to encourage the fairness of the game. Enjoy!

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